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An overlay that displays additional information or options when triggered.


To set up the popover correctly, you'll need to understand its anatomy and how we name its parts.

Each part includes a data-part attribute to help identify them in the DOM.


Learn how to use the Popover component in your project. Let's take a look at the most basic example:

Using a Portal

By default, the popover is rendered in the same DOM hierarchy as the trigger. To render the popover within a portal, set the portalled prop to true.

Note: This requires that you render the component within a Portal based on the framework you use.

Adding an arrow

To render an arrow within the popover, render the component Popover.Arrow and Popover.ArrowTip as children of Popover.Positioner.

Listening for open and close events

When the popover is opened or closed, we invoke the onOpenChange callback.

Control the open state

Use the isOpen prop to control the open state of the popover.

Modifying the close behavior

The popover is designed to close on blur and when the esc key is pressed.

To prevent it from closing on blur (clicking or focusing outside), pass the closeOnInteractOutside prop and set it to false.

To prevent it from closing when the esc key is pressed, pass the closeOnEsc prop and set it to false.

Changing the placement

To change the placement of the popover, set the positioning prop.

Changing the modality

In some cases, you might want the popover to be modal. This means that it'll:

  • trap focus within its content
  • block scrolling on the body
  • disable pointer interactions outside the popover
  • hide content behind the popover from screen readers

To make the popover modal, set the modal prop to true. When modal={true}, we set the portalled attribute to true as well.

Using the Root Provider

The RootProvider component provides a context for the popover. It accepts the value of the usePopover hook. You can leverage it to access the component state and methods from outside the popover.

If you're using the RootProvider component, you don't need to use the Root component.

API Reference


Keyboard Support

Opens/closes the popover.
Opens/closes the popover.
Moves focus to the next focusable element within the content.
Note: If there are no focusable elements, focus is moved to the next focusable element after the trigger.
Shift + Tab
Moves focus to the previous focusable element within the content
Note: If there are no focusable elements, focus is moved to the trigger.
Closes the popover and moves focus to the trigger.