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Flexible navigation tool with various modes and features.

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To set up the tabs correctly, you'll need to understand its anatomy and how we name its parts.

Each part includes a data-part attribute to help identify them in the DOM.


Learn how to use the Tabs component in your project. Let's take a look at the most basic example:

Initial Tab

To set a default tab on initial render, use the defaultValue prop:

Tab Indicator

To provide a visual cue for the selected tab, use the Tabs.Indicator component:

Lazy Mounting

Lazy mounting is a feature that allows the content of a tab to be rendered only when the tab is first activated. This is useful for performance optimization, especially when tab content is large or complex. To enable lazy mounting, use the lazyMount prop on the Tabs.Content component.

In addition, the unmountOnExit prop can be used in conjunction with lazyMount to unmount the tab content when the tab is deactivated, freeing up resources. The next time the tab is activated, its content will be re-rendered.

Disabled Tab

To disable a tab, simply pass the disabled prop to the Tabs.Trigger component:

Controlled Tabs

To create a controlled Tabs component, manage the current selected tab using the value prop and update it when the onValueChange event handler is called:

Router Controlled Tabs

When using frameworks like Next.js, Remix, or React Router, controlling the active tabs based on the URL can be useful.

To achieve this, you need to do two things:

  • Set the value prop to the current URL path.
  • Listen to the onValueChange event and update the URL path.

Here's an example using Remix Router

import { Tabs } from '@ark-ui/react/tabs'
import { useLocation, useNavigate, Link } from '@remix-run/react'

export default function App() {
  const { pathname } = useLocation()
  const navigate = useNavigate()
  const lastPathFragment = pathname.substring(pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
  const activeTab = lastPathFragment.length > 0 ? lastPathFragment : 'homepage'

  return (
      onValueChange={({ value }) => {
        navigate(`/${value === 'home' ? '' : value}`)
        <Tabs.Trigger asChild value="home">
          <Link to="">Home</Link>
        <Tabs.Trigger asChild value="page-1">
          <Link to="page-1">Page 1</Link>
        <Tabs.Trigger asChild value="page-2">
          <Link to="page-2">Page 2</Link>

Vertical Tabs

The default orientation of the tabs is horizontal. To change the orientation, set the orientation prop to vertical.

Manual Activation

By default, the tab can be selected when it receives focus from either the keyboard or pointer interaction. This is called automatic tab activation.

In contrast, manual tab activation means the tab is selected with the

Enter key or by clicking on the tab.

Using the Root Provider

The RootProvider component provides a context for the tabs. It accepts the value of the useTabs hook. You can leverage it to access the component state and methods from outside the tabs.

If you're using the RootProvider component, you don't need to use the Root component.

API Reference


Complies with the Tabs WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Keyboard Support

When focus moves onto the tabs, focuses the active trigger. When a trigger is focused, moves focus to the active content.
Moves focus to the next trigger in vertical orientation and activates its associated content.
Moves focus to the next trigger in horizontal orientation and activates its associated content.
Moves focus to the previous trigger in vertical orientation and activates its associated content.
Moves focus to the previous trigger in horizontal orientation and activates its associated content.
Moves focus to the first trigger and activates its associated content.
Moves focus to the last trigger and activates its associated content.
In manual mode, when a trigger is focused, moves focus to its associated content.